3 Day Juice Cleanse | San Clemente Family Photographer
As a San Clemente Family Photographer, I feel it's important for me to share with you more than just a blog about the sessions I do. I make it a point to try and become actual friends with my clients because I value that aspect of our relationship. Part of that includes me sharing bits of my life with you.
So... at the beginning of the year, I decided to try a 3 Day Juice Cleanse. My dad and stepmom bought my husband and I a really nice juicer for Christmas. I've already put it to really good use in a short amount of time.
I've never done any kind of cleanse before, so I knew I was in for a bit of a challenge. But I also knew I really wanted to try it. I was hoping for a bit of a reset to my system. See... while my husband is deployed, I don't always feel like cooking for myself. This usually results in me eating out more than I would really like.
I didn't want to do a cleanse that completely eliminated food. So I found one that allowed me to still have a decent dinner at night. The only restriction was that it was lean meat/protein and veggies. So no starches (I cried a little about that), and no carbs (at least not the kind I'm used to eating like breads and pastas).
I found THIS ONE on Pinterest. I didn't take any photos of the juice to show you and be all fancy because... well.. juice often looks a lot yuckier in person than it does in the photos you see online.
So here's what I thought of it and my results.
1. Day 1 and 2 juices did NOT yield 64 ounces of fluid. This left me feeling pretty hungry throughout the day even though I was making sure to drink plenty of water as well.
2. I had some HUGE cravings for salt on days 1 and 2. I mean... I wanted to rip open a bag of potato chips and just go to town kind of craving.
3. I realized just how much I eat not because I'm hungry, but just because I feel like putting food in my mouth. I found myself constantly wanting to graze just because. But I would have probably killed for some popcorn.
4. The juice was YUMMY! I was actually a little surprised about day 3 being as good as it was. I like juicing. I like most juices. However, beet juice has always been too earthy for me. BUT, this particular mix was pretty tasty. So much so, that I would make it again.
5. I lost 5lbs in 3 days. Granted it was all water weight, I did notice I was less bloated. I mean... what woman doesn't want that?
All in all, I think the 3 Day Juice Cleanse went pretty alright. Seeing a 5lb weight loss, even knowing it was water weight, had me tempted to go a couple more days, haha. But ultimately, I knew I just needed to take the next step in altering the way I consume food and the types of food I'm consuming.
Have you tried a cleanse that you love? If so, drop some details about it in the comments below! I'd love to hear about it!